Monday, October 17, 2016

The Novgorod Model, Crafting Democracy and Supporting Social Capital

Do government agencies play significant role in building social capital? Or how social capital helps in sustaining the effort of community based organizations?

I have chosen this to share my views for two reasons. Firstly, in governance paradigm, the role of community based institutions or NGOs are significant, in which denying the social capital would be fatal at local level.  Secondly, the state tries to ensure its hegemony by establishing its institutions at local level, to promote democracy and economic prosperity. Even the decentralized process of decision making is significantly based on centralized structure of the state.

However, these articles have examined and discussed many aspects of social capital differently, which shows that a well established functional institution, both at government and local level is important for active social capital.

Nicolai clearly argues that social capital can be constructed by the state intervention and role of the state is indispensable in creating the social capital by ensuring the active involvement of government agencies or by coordinating with local organization. According to his terminology, this is a ‘statists’ approach of defining social capital. He criticizes ‘non statists’ approach, where ‘social capital can only be generated outside of government sphere’. In fact, the Novgorod Model is interesting case to recognize the importance of government in building social capital. The article shows that Novgorod of Russian region has improved a lot in comparison to many neighboring regions and even Novgorod has surpassed the national average in many economic growth indicators. In the period of 1995-98, Russian’s GDP declined by 2.1%, while the annual growth of Novgorod was 3.8% during the same period. Other indicators such as, employment rate, regional salary before taxes, inflation, industrial production, Novgorod has shown the impressive result.

How this has possible in Novgorod? In 1990, the regional administration of Novgorod reached on three point’s agreement, “promoting small scale and medium sized businesses, attracting foreign investment, and reforming the housing market” to generate alternative source of revenue after the collapse of federal government subsidies. The local administration was agreed that small and medium scale businesses to be promoted more for generating long term impact and job creation at local level. Administration adopted market friendly policy, but an administrative system was evolved to ensure the check and balance on the market reform.

The regional government established a cordial link with the local self government and facilitated them to increase their administrative capacity. Novgorod was the first region, which conducted the election regularly and timely.  The political stability in the region provided ample ground to take corrective measures to promote economic development equally among everyone. A regional stabilization fund was established, which ensured that the rich region would transfer fund to poorer region. This mechanism of financial cooperation at local level motivated the local administration to implement government policies effectively and involved other actors and institutions in decision making. The Social Chamber was one of the associational connections to share the legislative decisions and to involve civil organizations. The Social Chamber was an important institution which brought administration closer to the community leaders and helped in establishing the network between the government and different organizations, such as trade unions, political parties etc.

This is important to recognize that Novgorod region was able to generate social capital by government efforts because the local government recognized many social rules, which was later accepted as agreements and this helped the local government to identify various actors and mediating agencies at local level for effective implementation of government policies. The author strives to equate the instrumental value of social capital with the economic development and growth of Novgorod. According to him, the involvement of local economic and political elite with the government efforts and they also wanted to break the status quo. In sum up, we can say that the author has supported that the role of government is essential and indispensable in creating, generating and maintaining social capital at regional and local level.

In the Novgorod Model, the author has supported that the government agencies can build the social capital. The economic development of Novgorod region proves that the effective local government agency enable the community to strengthen the social capital and enable them to participate in decision making. But, this argument is very much similar, which has been repeated several times and commonly known as trickle down approach of social development. The regional economic development helps elite and powerful and they act collectively when they need to pressurize decision making process in their favor.

However, Nicolai N. Petro not able to recognize the civil society and informal organization, which have been promoting civicness among the general masses, who are unable to participate in government sponsored structure such as Social Chambers. The positive aspect of the Novgorod Model is that the model shows that the government can create effective implementing mechanism and mediating agencies to promote prosperity in the regional basis, by developing local level institutions and agencies. The political transparency and accountability of these agencies and institutions is important ingredient to build positive social capital at local level.