Growing up in family, a individual who doesn’t have access to education, information, employment opportunity, and is also surrounded by the similar socio economic condition create a kind of situation, where individual is unable to dream and also inspire to be part and parcel of ongoing social development and economic growth in the country. Examining the status enhancement and social mobility in the rural and semi urban area in India is a challenging task and also need broader level of involvement to understand the intricacies in the social relationship. There are many instances, which inspire to visualize the better future, but there are maximum cases, the changes in status and social mobility is almost non existent. However, the relationship between the origin and destination can be a valuable tool to evaluate the changes, but there are many factors, which influence both the origin and destination in an individual life cycle in India.
This is also here to acknowledge that the social mobility is not simply an outcome of an effort of a family, but the prevailing condition and available opportunity play vital role in making the social mobility as collective force in the society. Therefore, an individual is a collective entity, which is shaped as person over a period of time while having closely interacted with family, informal and formal institutions. What is important in this relationship is opportunity and clear understanding to recognize the strength of social and cultural capital in the origin, which determines the future destination.
The idea of social mobility is more or less confined around the analysis of caste hierarchies and economic system in India. In aggregate term, the efforts and polices are paying off, but in real life situation, the benefits are not equally distributed. Apart from political dimension to argue about the hierarchical social structure, the accessibility of socio economic institution and accessibility of information networking play vital role in shaping the destination of individual and the family. In this paradigm, we could try find the answer that why some individual in some families are doing better than the others despite of staying in the same locality.